Educational Supports

Latest publications from NCSE 

Starting School - Guidelines for Parents / Guardians of Children with Special NeedsPlanning for Life after School - Guidelines for Students with Special Educational Needs and their Parents / Guardians

Changing Schools - Moving from Primary to Post-Primary School - Guidelines for Parents / Guardians of Children with Special NeedsChanging Schools - Moving from between special and mainstream settings - Guidelines for Parents / Guardians of Children with Special Needs

Supporting Students with Special Educational Needs to make Successful Transitions - Guidelines for Schools

 ‘Supporting students with dyspraxia/DCD in Education’

Difficulties associated with having dyspraxia How these difficulties can present themselves How to support these students
Short-term working memory

Students can appear to be not listening or paying attention

Slow taking down from the board as they may only remember a couple of words at a time

Trouble following a list of instructions

Accept typed work. Thoughts can be typed quickly before they are forgotten and placed in the right order later

Allow photos of the board

Reduce amount of information given in one go. Summarise information

Speed of processing oral information

Speed of processing what is being asked in a written question before planning an answer

Students can appear to be not listening or not picking up on what has been said

They may skip over parts of a written question and not answer all that is being asked of them.

Give small amounts of information as a time and let the student work with each piece before giving more information.

Encourage the student to bullet point the parts of a rambling question or use colour coordination to highlight the different segments

Problems sequencing

A difficulty carrying out the planned steps to perform a motor task

The student might struggle to learn new physical tasks like cutting with a scissors or find PE class difficult

The student can take longer to product work in practical subjects like home economics

Break down tasks into smaller steps

Repeat steps

Use first / then sentences to show the order of steps.

Problems in studying other languages.

Some students with dyspraxia find studying Irish and extra languages difficult for all of the above reasons. The criteria for exemption from the study of Irish are literacy based (a student needs to score below the 10th percentile in at least one literacy score). This does not take account of the difficulties many students with Dyspraxia have.

Newly released Circular 0054/2022 : recognises that some students experience a high level of multiple and persistent needs in addition to those that relate to literacy.

A student may be struggling in language subjects.

A student may find it more difficult to remember new vocabulary.

Some of the above strategies may help.

Recognise that if a student finds it difficult to produce written work in their spoken language, planning in another language may be difficult for them

Be realistic in the amount of new vocabulary that the student can learn at a stime

It would help the student who types to find a program which spellchecks the language in question. Or turn off spell check as red underlined words are very distracting.

Handwriting difficulties, legibility and speed of producing written work

Poor handwriting compared to peers

Smaller pieces of work in a set time

Oral work superior to written work in terms of quantity

Encourage development of good computer skills from an early age

Accept typed homework eg essays, and take note of the difference in quality and quantity of work produced

Allow student to take photos of whiteboard material

If a student hasn't learned to type, they will need more time to produce written work. Students need more time to write maths answers as this subject cannot be typed. This is also the case with the subject Japanese in senior cycle.

Organising their thoughts on paper

Muddles presentation of written work

Written work doesn't represent the student's ability and knowledge

Oral work superior to written work in terms of quantity

Accept typed homework features like cut and paste help with organising work

Allow sufficient time for a student to complete their work.

Concentration Student is easily distracted and finds it difficult to remain focused.

Focus on knowledge over quantity of written work. Do they understand the topic.

Allow breaks

Source: Survey Results on Accommodations in Examinations

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